Transparant ''coat". --> green spotlight for the whole city
An architecture that gives back more than it takes
COLLAPSE! > After the flood


- Decreased biodiversity
- Salinisation
- Desiccation
- Flooding
- Housing shortage
- Subsidence
- (insect) Pests

- Parts of the city are secluded
- Technology plays a paramount role
- Communication between communities is poorly
- Trading expertise is rare and comes with a high price




VR experience could be disclosed by measuring presence, realism, and reality’s levels. Presence is a complex psychological feeling of “being there” in VR that involves the sensation and perception of physical presence, as well as the possibility to interact and react as if the user was in the real world
- Heeter 1992

We conclude considering the disruptive contribution that VR will be able to get in scientific fields, as well in human communication and interaction, as already happened with the advent of mobile phones by increasing the use and the development of scientific applications (e.g., in clinical areas) and by modifying the social communication and interaction among people.

VR social platforms allow users to collaborate in virtual reality from remote locations. These solutions enable users to meet up in the same virtual space and communicate through both speech and text. Businesses can use these tools to improve employee productivity and collaboration from any location.

VR social platforms offer users the ability to choose and edit avatars to represent their likeness as well as custom environments to host a virtual meetup. These meetups can range from collaborating in a virtual conference room to viewing a presentation together.

This type of software can be deployed simultaneously to multiple users, which can enhance remote employees’ ability to work with their colleagues. VR social platforms should allow users to develop their virtual spaces to fit their specific needs, typically done so with a VR SDK. These solutions may also facilitate the recording and playback of virtual meetings.

To qualify for inclusion in the VR Social Platforms category, a product must:

Allow for users to select an avatar to represent their likeness
Enable users to select and edit environments to host meetups
Provide the ability to communicate with other participants through speech and text
Allow users to participate in a given activity together


The municipality of Rotterdam has been a leader for years when it comes to green roofs. But more is possible than just a green roof. By combining different functions you get a 'multifunctional roof'.
Rotterdam wants to make better use of space in the city. An important solution is the use of 18 km2 of flat roofs. Roofs offer many opportunities for collecting rain through the greenery, installing solar panels, a roof park or a combination thereof.

Colored roofs
Roofs can be used in various ways, creating opportunities for residents to live and live more pleasantly. For example, solar panels on a green roof have higher efficiency. This is called a multifunctional roof. We distinguish different functions and colors:

-Green roofs provide plants, contribute to air quality and offer opportunities to grow your fruit or vegetables.

-Blue roofs can collect water, delay excess rainwater, which relieves the sewer and reduces flooding.

-Yellow roofs generate sustainable energy from the sun or wind.

-Red roofs have all kinds of social functions, such as a terrace, playground or a bar on the roof.

-Orange roofs are used for mobility, such as a roof connection or roof bridge.

-Purple roofs are residential roofs.

-Gray roofs are for technical functions, such as air handling units -and chimneys.

Added value is created by combinations of multiple functions or colors: golden combinations.
Roofs also offer an opportunity for the municipality to contribute to the various tasks in the city, such as:

• The growth of the city;
• Improving water management;
• A greener city;
• Improving air quality;
• Combating heat stress;
• The sustainable generation of energy;
• Promoting circularity;
• Stimulating meeting;
• Strengthening the resilience of the city.